Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The awesomeness of my mom knows no bounds...

... she sent me some Beyonces, to be my very own, in the mail. 

Also, check out the pink and blue flowered wallpaper.  The kitchen is one of many rooms with pink and blue wallpaper.  \m/ AWESOME \m/

A visitor!

This is Tony (Toni?), who lives next door.  She's pretty easygoing, once she knows you're friendly.  I'm guessing she'll be by when we're grilling out there too.  

In other news, Marvin jumped 1.5 stories out the bedroom window last night to go on a walkabout.  Thankfully, he wasn't eaten by a mountain lion or a bear (not that I've seen either yet this spring).  Guess we need to get some screens for the windows, most of which are sealed shut with layers upon layers of caulk and sealant anyway.  I sense lots of scraping in our future...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hope you have an uncrappy Easter

Last weekend, we replaced a tiny toilet made for tiny little ladies, 5 feet or shorter, about 100 lb, with one for people who are just a wee bit bigger.

Today is Easter, and the old toilet is still sitting on the porch since we haven't made a dump run yet.  (Dump run, get it?) 

I'm not sure why it matters that it's Easter and the toilet is on the porch, but whatever.  We'll stay classy, San Diego, don't you worry.