Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Garden salad for breakfast

Another wildlife visitor this morning!  This moose was snacking out of our flowerbeds by the kitchen window, and stopped long enough to peep in the window. 

Unlike the April 30 moose, this one looks well fed.  Apparently flowers are nutritious, and the moose has been eating them.  Lots of them.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Birdseed is for all kinds of animals...

Birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and...


We were hanging out in the kitchen, measuring for some new countertops, looked out the window, and saw what I first thought was a really large, hairy dog, barely visible off the right side of our patio.  Then I realized that it wasn't a dog, and said "Oh shit, that's a BEAR!!!".  We ran around like a couple nutjobs, frantically looking for a camera that was charged and snapped a few pictures.  I think this is an older black bear cub, raiding our birdfeeder.  Mom was nowhere around, so we're wondering if something happened to her and the cub has resorted to snarfing down the birdseed as its Sunday evening meal.  Guess we'll be changing our bird feeder arrangements and learning if bird feeders are even a possibility while bears are not hibernating.

Stuffing face with birdseed...

When the neighbor's dog started barking...

Back to snarfing birdseed...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's a regular Animal House!

On Monday, we had a couple of visitors.

First, a moose!  A scrawny young one, who pooped in our yard and then ate almost all the new aspen trees our neighbor just planted.  Guess we won't be planting trees anytime soon.

And later that night, this little raccoon raided the bird feeder.  El gato wanted to take him on!  Lucky for the glass in the door... that raccoon would have kicked our cat's ass.