Back in December, I got on the waiting list for Summit Community Gardens and a plot opened up when someone decided they didn't want to return
for this year. Each community garden member gets two raised beds, 3x6 feet each. So we've been digging in the dirt. And it's fun! With views of a couple ski areas and surrounding mountains, it's not a shabby place to garden at all.
The plants have done well so far, and most were started
from seed. In the two beds, garlic, chives, tomatoes, basil, radishes,
lettuce, carrots, and peas have already sprouted. I put some dill and
oregano in there last week, but there are no shoots yet in the areas where I planted them.
This is the bed on the north side, in which chives, radishes, lettuce, garlic, and tomatoes are growing:
Grape tomato seedlings that I transplanted to the outdoor beds today. I started these indoors in early May. They've been doing well indoors, and I hope they get fruit on them before the end of the season.
From L-R: radishes, lettuce, with crazy amounts of garlic sprouting everywhere!
Chives, garlic, radishes, lettuce:
Close-up of the garlic and lettuce... the lettuce is Black-seeded Simpson green leaf lettuce, and they seem happy in the beds so far.
The bed below is what we're calling the west bed (complete with a cage to protect the plants from hungry animals). In this bed, we have radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, peas, and oregano.
The peas in there have been growing like a bunch of nutjobs, and some sort of wildlife has been munching the tops of them:
Since we're growing a salad bar for us and not for the local wildlife, I built a second cage this morning to go over the bed:
So hopefully now we'll have some peas left for us! Some more shots of the sprouts in the west bed:
L-R: lettuce and tomatoes, carrots, peas. Oregano has not yet sprouted. Radishes are just out of view to the left.
A closer shot, looking across the bed... carrots are easily visible!
Close up of some of the tomato seedlings in this bed, planted around the lettuce:
Obviously nothing is ready to harvest yet other than the chives in the north bed. Hopefully there will be something for humans to munch on in 2-4 weeks!