So we bought a house today from a cute little grandma lady. It's in really good condition, it's bright, a good size, and in the neighborhood we like.
Her love of ceramic chickens was evident when we first looked at the house.
And so, I am knighting our house as La Casa de Beyonce, in honor of the ceramic chickens, after The Bloggess's chicken, whose name is also Beyonce:
Hooooray!!! La Casa de Beyonce. I love it. I wish I knew how to knit or crochet you a stuffed rooster or chicken b/c I so totally would. And I would demand it be the center piece of your dining room table. Or perhaps perfectly perched on your pillows of your freshly made bed. Or maybe she could be your sentry guarding your apocalypse tunnel!! Nothing says "home" better than a crocheted chicken. Congratulations!!